20 {Clean} Songs to Make You Move

A few months ago a song came on the radio that was a favorite of mine growing up. I immediately turned it up and started singing along, excited for my kids to experience it as well. Until I realized something--I was singing the wrong words. And the right words were...well, not what I want my children repeating. I decided it was time to make my OWN dance/running/party-in-the-car playlist. Full of CLEAN messages and lyrics. This was no easy task my friends. As I had experienced before, songs I thought were safe and fun were actually full of innuendos and inappropriate lyrics. But I did it! I found several songs that fit the bill, and I want to share 20 of those songs with you. So without further ado...my list of 20 clean, upbeat songs that will make you MOVE.

Move; Mercy River That’s why we put it on the album. We wanted to dance.

Roar; Katy Perry Have you ever heard a 3 year old girl and 6 year old boy belt this song? The story of my life and there’s nothing cuter. We love this one.

Gold; Brit Nicole The lyrics...love them. Plus there’s a rap section in the middle that you can’t help but boogie to.

On Top of the World; Imagine Dragons A song that crosses all age gaps. Top 5 fave for our family.

Spice Up Your Life; Spice Girls Because I was a teenager in the 90s. That’s why.

Walking on Sunshine; Mercy River OR Katrina and the Waves Take your pick of artists, either way it’s fun. (We have a favorite rendition, but we’ll let you decide for yourself...)

Twist and Shout; the Beatles It made Ferris Bueller dance on top of a parade float, so it’ll make you dance too.

99 Red Balloons ; Nena Looking for a song to kick off your 80s anti-war party? This one’s for you.

I’m a Believer; The Monkees Shrek and Smashmouth almost ruined this for me, simply because it was played so. many. times when it came out. But now that’s passed. And I’m back to loving it.

Footloose; Kenny Loggins I mean, c’mon. It’s Kenny Loggins.

Whole Wide World; Mindy Gledhill This song makes me want to waltz around in my kitchen. The perfect mix of chill and upbeat. 

I Will Survive; Gloria Gaynor The ULTIMATE Girl Power song.

Good Time; Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen This song makes me feel like a teenager again. If only it came with a convertible car and a smoothie.

Super Trouper; ABBA Just...because. Because sometimes you need a song that makes you feel like a star. This song goes best with bright sunglasses and maybe a boa or two.

Brave; Sara Bareilles My 9 year old daughter’s favorite. She even sang it with her BFF for their class talent show.

Let’s Twist Again; Chubby Checker Do I need to explain this one? Its a classic. I can't NOT have it.

Look So Easy; Dave Barnes This was a suggestion from one of our Facebook friends. I gave it a listen and immediately bought it. Good vibe for doing the dishes.

Best Day of My Life; American Authors One of my most favorite running songs. I should be embarrassed about the way I sing along with this one, it's rather loud. Sorry neighbors.

Stronger; Kelly Clarkson Another woman power song. But my son loves it, so don't tell him.

Next to Me; Emeli Sande Perfect Valentine-ish song. Shout out to the good men out there.

Hurricane; The Vamps Love, love, love the message. This one will get stuck in your head. You're welcome.

Your turn! List your favorites in the comments.

xo - Brooke

PS After you've given this list a listen, grab your phone and record a dance video for our OFFICIAL MOVE MUSIC VIDEO! (Read about it here.) Someone suggested we mix it up--some videos of lip synching and some videos of straight up DANCING. So let's see it! Lip synching to Move, or dancing to any song. Both will get you a chance to star in our music video!